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The Organ Grinder's Monkey

When I retired (retirement day photo above) I took a course in website design at the University of Georgia Continuing Education Center. Our final exam required the creation of a website. I turned mine into a vanity site to promote my second phase career as an interim specialist in the Episcopal Church. When I retired from career #2 I gave up the website and used Facebook before it turned into the social medium for old people. When Facebook became too toxic for civilization I fled to the safety of anonymity and sat in the dark like a mushroom.
In early January 2025 whiling away a New England winter I started over. The Organ Grinder's Monkey refers to everyone whose employment requires them to major in charm, cuteness, and affability. Knowing how to smile on command while dancing to someone else's tune is an unstated requirement. I was terrible at all of those things.
I refer to myself as a consultant when asked by new acquaintances “what do you do”. No one to knows what a consultant is and don’t want to find out so they go away. The curious or nosy stay in the game and say, "consulting with whom?". I say "non-profits". That is usually enough to shut everything down and they go off to see if they can find someone important to talk to. Occasionally someone might ask: "What do you do with these non-profits?. "I try to keep the Board of Directors out of jail!". If absolute power corrupts absolutely it follows that power vacuums suck in the crazies often hellbent on one kind of unconscious malfeasance or another. Consultants are brave people with escape plans and round-trip tickets. I always told the boards that I come pre-fired and a first-class ticket and moving expenses were all it took to rid themselves of this meddlesome priest.
These days I make sawdust in the shop, do very occasional supply in local parishes, frequent self-help sodalities in person and online and operate a furniture repair and refinishing atelier at the Resident Workshop at Reeds Landing. Our motto is: "Keeping residents off the floor one rung at a time".
In 2024 I received the Inspirational Aging award from the Loomis Communities beating out 599 other residents with walkers. It took me 81 years to be good at being a proper Senior.
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